ENGLISH Fun with English Quiz 英語の楽しみ
Fun with English Idiom Quiz

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Study 英語の楽しみ  Riddles 英語の謎々  Quiz 英語のお天気クイズ
Weather お天気英語 

Originated: 2003-01/22, Last Updated: 2003-01/22

Fill in the blanks with appropriate one word. [ ] in the closet = 誰もが持っている(人に知られたくない)個人的な秘密。 I would [ ] be fishing. to [ ] down a speech. = to write down  書き留める。 How is that coming [ ] ? (この場合の that は話の両者の共通話題。) The project is [ ] along on schedule. Can you [ ] in the delivery for free ? They [ ] meals in for the cost of the hotel room. He refused to take [ ] in the festivities. Those swindlers took us for a [ ]. I'll take your [ ] when times get rough. ---Don't see below before solving above quiz. --------------- skelton in the closet = 誰もが持っている(人に知られたくない)個人的な秘密。 would rather = to prefer that or to take down = to write down  書き留める。 come along = to proceed or advance throw in = to add something extra as a bonus take part in = to participate, share or partake take someone for a ride = to deceive, trick take someone's part = to support or defend someone ------------------
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