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Originated: 2002-10/11, Last Updated: 2006-9/30, 2007-1/25

英語の単語には、ラテン語を語根(root)とするものが多くあります。初見の単語でも、語根の意味を知っていると、 その意味を推測することの助けになります。或いは、同じ語根のようだ、と感じたとき、推測の助けにもなります。 単語を一つひとつ覚えるのは大変ですが、語根を知っておくと、単語習得が楽になりますし、また楽しくなります。 なお、似たものに「接頭語・接尾語」があります。これらは、別途拾い集めることにします。 なお、語根と接頭語、接尾語を組み合わせて、ひとつの単語になっているものもあります。 接頭語 + 語根       = 単語 語根  + 接尾語      = 単語 接頭語 + 語根 + 接尾語 = 単語 ここでは、「接頭語・接尾語」以外のものについて、英英辞書などから拾った語根を(青字で)、 その意味及び単語とともに掲載します。 [語根は、alphabetical order に並べています。 a から s までは調査・整理中ですが、 t 以降は完了です。] [「語根」という用語は、言語学的に正しい使い方かどうかは、私には分かりません。] -ambi- meaning = "both, around"       ambiance, ambidextrous, ambiguous, ambivelence, -cede- meaning = "go away from"       accede, antecedent, cede, concede, precede, precedent, recede, secede, also see ---> -ceed-, -cess- -ceed- meaning = "go, move, yield"       proceed, succeed -ceive- meaning = "get, receive"       conceive, deceive, perceive, receive, transceiver -cep- meaning = "get, receive, take"       accept, anticitate, concept, conception, perception, reception also see ---> -ceive- -cert- meaning = "certain, sure, true"       ascertain, certain, certificate, certify, concert, disconcerted -cess- meaning = "move, yield"       access, accessible, recession, success, sucession -cur- meaning = "run, happen"       concur, currency, current, curriculum, cursive, cursor, occur, recur -dict- meaning = "say, speak"       benediction, contradict, dictate, dictator, diction, dictionary, dictum, edict, predict -dox- meaning = "opinion, idea, belief"       doxology, orthodox, paradox -duc- meaning = "to lead"       abduct, adduce, aqueduct,conductive, conduct, deduce, deduct, ducal, duct, produce, production, produce, reduction, sedule, seduction, viaduct -fer- meaning = "carry"       confer, defer, differ, ferry, infer, pestiferous, prefer, transfer -fess- meaning = "declare,acknowledge"       confess, confession, confessional, profess, professional, professor, unprofessional -fic- meaning = "make, do"       beneficial, certificate, fiction, honorific, horrific, pacific, prolific -fid- meaning = "faith, trust"       confide, confidence, fidelity -fin- meaning = "end, complete, limit"       confine, define, definition, final, finale, finance, fine, finish, finite, indefinite -jur- meaning = "swear"       xxx related to -jus- -jus- meaning = "law, rule, fair, just"       xxx related to -jur- -lec- meaning = "gather, choose"       collect, election, eligible, elite, ineligible, lectern, lecture, recollect, select -leg- meaning = "law" and "to gather; read" It is related to -lec-.       delegate, illegal, illegible, intellect, intelligent, legacy, legal, legate, legend, legible, legion, legislate, legitimate, paralegal, privilege, relegate, sacrilege -man- meaning = "hand"       amanuensis, legerdemain, maintain, manacle, manage, maneuver, manual, manufacture, manure, manuscript -man- meaning = "stay; to last or remain"       impermanernt, permanent, remain -medi- meaning = "middle"       immediate, intermediate, media, medial, median, mediate, mediator, medieval, mediocre, medium, multimedia -ord- meaning = "order, fit"       coordinate, extraordinary, inordinate, insubordinate, ordain, order, ordinal, ordinance, ordinary, ordination, subordinate -ori- meaning = "rise, begin, appear"       aboriginal, aboriginie, abort, abortion, disorient, orient, orientate, orientation, origin, original -pos- meaning = "put, place"       compose, composite, compost, composure, depose, deposit, dispose, expose, exposition, impose, imposter,interpose, juxtapose, oppose, pose, posit, position,positive, posture, predispose, preposition, prepossessing, presuppose, propose, proposition, purpose, repose, superimpose, suppose, supposition, transpose -preci- meaning = "value, worth, price"       appreciate, depreciate, precious, price, semiprecious -priv- meaning = "separated, apart, restricted"       deprivation, deprive, privacy, private, privilege, privy, underpriviledged -rect- meaning = "guide, rule, right, straight"       correct, direct, erect, indirect, insurrection, misdirect, rectangle, rectify, rectitude, rector, rectum, resurrection ---------------------------------------- sat scend sci scope scrib semble sene sent serv sign simil soc sola sole som son soph sort spir stab stin strat strict stroph ---------------------------------------- -sect- meaning = "cut"       bisect, dissect, intersect, resection, section, sector, vivisection -seq- meaning = "follow"       consequence, consequent, consequential, inconsequential, obsequious, sequel, sequence, sequential, subsequent -sess- meaning = "sit,stay"       assess, assessor, disposess, intersession, obsession, possession, repossession, session -sens- meaning = "sense, feel"       consensus, dissension, ertrasensory, insensible, insensitive, nonsense, sensation, sensational, sense, senseless, sensitive, sensor, sensory, sensual, sensuous, -spec- meaning = "look at, examine"       aspect, expect, inspect, inspection, inspector, introspection, irrespective, perspective, prospect, prospective, prospectus, respect, respectable, retrospect, special, specialize, specialty, specie, species, specific, specify, specimen, specious, spectacle, spectacular, spectrum, speculate, suspect ---------------------------------------- -tact- meaning = "touch" contact, intact, tact, tactile -tail- meaning = "cut" curtail, detail, entail, retail, tailor -tain- meaning = "hold" abstain, attain, contain, detain, entertain, maintain, obtaib, pertain, rein, retain, retinue, sustain -term- meaning = "end, boundary, limit" determine exterminate indeterminate, interminable, predetermine, term, terminal, terminate, terminology, terminus -theo- meaning = "God, god" atheism, atheist, monotheist, pantheon, polytheism, theocracy, therology, theosophy -therm- meaning = "heat" hypothermia, thermal, thermodynamics, thermometer, thermostat -thes- meaning = "put together, set down" antithesis, hypothesis, parenthesis, photosynthesis, prosthesis, systhesis, parenthesis -tom- meaning = "cut" appendectomy, atom, dichotomy, hysterectomy, labotomy, mastectomy, tome, dichotomy, hysterectomy -ton- meaning = "sound" atonal, baritone, detonate, intonation, intone, monotone, monotonous, overtone, semitone, tonal, tone, tonic, undertone -tort- meaning = "twist" extort, retort, torsion, tort, torte, tortollia, tortuous, torture -turb- meaning = "stir up" disturb, disturbance, imperturbable, masterbate, perturb, perturbation, turbid, turbine, turbo, turbulent -type- meaning = "impression" archetype, atypical, protype, stereotype, type, typical, typify, typography -terr- meaning = "earth, land"       extraterrestrial, terrace, terrain, terrarium, terrier, territory -trac- meaning = "pull"       abstract, attract, attraction, contract, contraction, retract, distract, distraction, extract, intractable, protracted, protractor, retract, retraction, subcontract, subtract, trace, tract, tractable, traction, tractor, -trude- meaning = "thrust, push"       extrude, intrude, obtrude, protrude ---------------------------------------- -vac- meaning = "empty"       evacuate, vacancy, vacant, vacate, vacation, vacuous, vacuum -vade- meaning = "go"       evade, invade, prevade -val- meaning = "worth, health, strength"       devalue, equivalent, valiant, valid, validate, valor, value -var- meaning = "change"       invariable, variable, variance, variant, variation, varied, variety, various, vary -vec- meaning = "drive, convey"       convection, invective, vector -ven- meaning = "come"       advent, adventure, avenue, circumvent, contravene, convene, convenience, convent, convention, covenant, event, eventual, inconvenience, inconvenient, intervene, invent, invention, inventory, misadventure, prevent, provenance, revenue, souvenir, unconventional, uneventful, venture, venturesome, venue -venge- meaning = "protect, avenge, punish"       avenge, revenge, vengeance -ver- meaning = "true, truth"       veracious, veracity, verify, verily, verisimilitude, veritably, verity -verb- meaning = "word"       adverb, adverbial, proverb, proverbial, verb, verbal, verbalize, verbatim, verbiage, verbose -verg- meaning = "turn, bend"       converg, diverge, verge, also see ---> -vert- -vert- meaning = "turn, change"       adversary, adverse, advertise, aversion, avert, controversy, conversant, conversation, concerse, conversion, convert, diverse, viversion, divert, extrovert, inadvertent, incontrovertible, introvert, inversion, invert, irreversible, obverse, perverse, perversion, pervert, perversal, reverse, revert, subversion, subversive, subvert, transverse, traverse, universal, universe, versatile, verse, version, versus, vertebra, vertebrate, vertex, vertical, vertiginous, vertigo -via- meaning = "way, route, a going"       deviant, devious, obviate, trivial, via, viaduct -vict- meaning = "conquer"       convict, evict, victor, victorious, victory -vide- meaning = "see"       aevident, provide, providence, providential, video, videocassette, videodisc, videotape -vinc- meaning = "conquer, defeat"       convince, evince, invincible, vincible, also see ---> -vict- -vis- meaning = "see"       advice, visible, provision, revise, supervise, television, visa, visible, vision, visit, vista, visual -viv- meaning = "life, alive, lively"       convivial, revival, revive, survival, survive, survivor, viva, vivacious, vivid, viviparous, vivisection -voc- meaning = "call"       advocate, avocation, convocation, convoke, equivocal, evocative, evoke, invocation, invoke, irrevocable, provocation, provocative, provoke, revoke, unequivocal, vocabulary, vlcal, vocation, vociferous -vor- meaning = "eat"       carnivore, carnivorous, devour, herbivore, herbivorous, omnivorous, voracious -vot- meaning = "vow"       devote, devotee, devout, vote Return to Top page