ENGLISH 英語の謎々(Riddle)

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英語の楽しみ  会話の中で体得した英語  ラテン語を語根とする単語 英語のイデオム 英語の単語 
英語で道を聞く E-WORDNET 英語学校  英語の雑学 英語のニュース 英短語 英語の謎々

Originated: 2002-12/16, Last Updated: 2002-12/16,2003-01/02

英語の謎々です。 The Riddle: 01. One American Researcher first came to Japan. He said to the Japanese people who saw him at an airport, "Domo Crokodile !" Japanese people didn't understand what he said at all. What did the American person want to say ? 02. One man ordered an "Albatros sandwitch" at a bar. He shooted himself when he took one byte of that sandwitch. Tell me, why did he do such a thing ? 03. What kind of dog has no tail ? 04. It rained very strong at the island. Who made the rain strong ? 05. Mother's day. Father's Day. Then, Son's Day ? Don't see the answer below before you solve the riddle above. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Answer: 01. He wanted to say "Domo Arigater". 02. ??? 03. A hot dog. 04. Cats and dogs. 05. Sunday. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return to Top page